Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Shaker Sconces Complete

I completed final assembly of the two Shaker sconces last night, too late to post at the time. After glue up, I did a final hand sanding with 220 grit paper to remove the remaining machine marks. The finish consists of two coats of Watco Danish Oil, allowed to dry for 24 hours then hand buffed with a soft cloth. The oil does a nice job of bringing out the grain, but is slow drying and smelly. I may experiment with other finishes if I decide to make these in quantity.

My next step is to set up my store on Etsy to see if this is a salable design. I personally find the proportions and gentle curves pleasing, but I have no way of gauging the general appeal of the design without putting it out in public. I expect to devote my next few posts to actually getting these items to market, etc. If they do sell, I will want to revisit the construction process to see if I can reduce the amount of time involved without sacrificing quality.

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